Explore Norths Podcast

Podcast 125: On a sailing mission for the Ocean



Belén Garcia Ovide has been passionate about the ocean for as long as she can remember. Now she is working full-time to create awareness about the ocean's state and how we all can contribute to saving the blue aboard Tilvera Expeditions. She is also the founder of Ocean Missions. Check out the websites and find out more about the ocean, how you can contribute and maybe join one of their expeditions.  I have just published an updated edition of Sail to Svalbard. You can either order it directly from me or through Amazon. If you want to read about sailing the Norwegian coast? Sail the Norwegian Coast: How and Why you should sail the most beautiful coast in the world – Kindle edition. If you need information about sailing in the high latitudes check out the book I wrote with Bob Shepton: High Latitude Sailing – Self-sufficient sailing techniques for cold waters and winter seasons.