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Страта військових ЗСУ, покарання за паспорти РФ, бездіяльність МКЧХ – ЛУБІНЕЦЬ



On April 11, a video appeared on Russian Telegram channels where Russian soldiers allegedly behead a Ukrainian prisoner of war. Dmytro Lubinets, the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, says that he has already received dozens of such videos during his 9 months of work as an ombudsman.How can the Office of the Ombudsman help bring to justice those who execute Ukrainian soldiers?How is the Russian Federation trying to mislead Ukrainian prisoners of war and civilian hostages so that they do not agree to the exchange?Is it legal to forcibly evacuate children from areas of active hostilities, and is it necessary to punish those who received a Russian passport during the occupation?"Ukrainian Pravda" journalist Sofya Sereda talked about this with the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets.Страта військових ЗСУ, покарання за паспорти РФ, бездіяльність МКЧХ – ЛУБІНЕЦЬ00:00 Початок 00:48 Реакція омбудсмена на відео зі стратою українських військових 02:21 Для чого Росія розповсюджує від