Lean Body Buffalo Podcast

4 Tips To Jumpstart Your Fat Loss Journey



Losing fat, dropping fat after 40 can be a challenge. What used to work doesn’t work anymore. It’s time to change the way you approach your health and fitness. Listen in as I explain. I’ve outlined the 4 steps below to get you back on the fitness fast track. Step One: Get Focused. Your crazy weekend happened. You ate things from your “never eat these” list, you drank more that you should have, but now it’s over. Draw a line in the sand. The bad eating stops now. If you’re serious about your fitness goals, then this weekend was the exception, and not the rule. Maybe it was your birthday, or your friends and family were gathered for a celebration, and the peer pressure to partake in unhealthy food was too much for you to resist. Don’t beat yourself up for falling off the fitness wagon this once. Simply get back up, dust yourself off and get re-focused. Leave the past, and your slip-ups, in the past. Step Two: Get Hydrated. While bad eating can take on many forms, the end result is most often dehydration and