Dr. Judy Wtf

Synergistic Childhood wounds and Their Effects on the Psyche



when both parents are wounding in the same way It's double sin It's synergistically damaging to the psyche. Children who cannot turn to at least one parent are finding themselves to be in the double dungeon of darkness where they are lost, alone and scared.When you have no one to empathize with you and show you unconditional love. Your world becomes darker and you project on to others that you project on to others the same, How would I say that? The same philosophythat human beings are all going to be injurious. In other words, fear the fear that you had from your family of origin transfers To generalize this to other people. When you break free from your childhood wounds and use the wound activation prevents the system to deal with daily triggers. You will be the cause of better outcomes for part two of your life.