

In this episode, alongside family guest Mike Foguth, the discussion centers around  new ways to think about money, leadership, & opportunities. 10:20 - Tips on how to get started building financial freedom. There needs to be a process in place to prepare for what you intend to spend.  Transitional Thought Principles For Money 1) Short term - Your daily budget. This includes the next 30-120 days of spending or preparing for something.  2) Mid-term - Planning for one to three years of spending or saving.  3) Long-term - Thoughts and preparation for 10+ years down the road. I.e., retirement.  14:09 - Staying ready eliminates “feeling rushed” when working towards new opportunities. Develop an offensive mindset when dealing with money. Look for ways to dominate in gaining wealth.  18:30 - Make sure your products or services are “duplicatable, repeatable, and predictable. You can’t be in all places at all times.” 23:03 - Mike describes his humble beginnings of entrepreneurship, how he could sustain it