

Responsibility and accountability are the two front runners that breed success. It can become easy to lose sight of that and only want the end goal in a capitalistic world. In this episode, the guys discuss the reality of taking responsibility and how that fuels financial, health, and relationship success.  18:56 - Don’t focus on the money; focus on the responsibilities needed to make money. Responsibility sustains your ability to be successful.  29:20 - How willing are you to critique your work? Are you brave enough to assess what needs improvement in your life? Faith, fitness, health, & relationships? Takeaways Pray in times when needed. Pray for maturity and growth, whether for yourself or someone you love.  Being around people that execute at a high level can naturally attract you to their habits.  Listener Perks Organifi Is giving our listeners up to 20% off of their order! Just go to Support your journey from sunrise to sunset with fan-favorite superfoods backed by sci