

In this episode, the guys alongside Jemal “The 9 To 5 King Millionaire” discuss how to obtain an underdog mentality in addition to having strong beliefs.  11:30 - Stop puttin unnecessary pressure on yourself. Perks of that is setting your own expectations on how you operate in your journey.  16:30 - “When you start worrying about other peoples expectations, you can lose focus on your work. You may be viewed as an underdog but your actions must say your a top dog.” 37:30 - If you aren’t operating with a sense of urgency, you will lose. “Pain is the greatest motivator, but it doesn’t have to be.” - Joey 44:22 - Make an adjustment in actions so that you have tangible results to adjust for the better.” - CJ 45:41 - It doesn’t matter what other people think or their expectations of you unless you make it matter.” Listen to opinions from people you value most. People who support you elevates mindsets greatly.  Questions How are you managing your energy? Why are you putting energy into everything except for