

Who's your Mattie Moss Clark? Dr. Mattie Moss Clark was the mother and motivation behind the birth and success of the iconic Gospel Group, The Clark Sisters. ET had a chance to watch the biopic and was inspired by Dr. Mattie Moss Clark, who pushed her girls to greatness in an industry that's full of excellence that doesn't always rise to the top.  While studying Dr. Clark's moves and directions, he realized that to be successful at the levels most think they want to be, most people need a Dr. Mattie Moss Clark driving them toward their full potential. Can you push yourself to greatness? Or, do you get upset when other people push you? On today's podcast, the guys discuss how being pushed for the right reasons, and by the right person can lead to outstanding success! The Secret to Success Topics: [02:51] - Trey’s Comedy Corner [08:40] - Pushed Hard [20:50] - Get Coached [33:00] - Look In The Mirror [45:00] - The Right Coach [1:00:30] - Receive the Message Listener Perks: Make Real Estate Real Course