Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep 328 - All About Menopause w/ Amanda Thebe



On this episode of RNT Fitness Radio I’m joined by Amanda Thebe, a Fitness and Women’s Health Expert. She is the author of the Amazon best-selling book, Menopocalypse: How I Learned to Thrive During Menopause and How You Can Too! With nearly 30 years of experience in the fitness industry, Amanda is a highly-regarded expert on women’s fitness and health. She is Canada’s first menopause workplace educator. Through menopause advocacy and education, Amanda provides on-site or virtual presentations in the workplace to improve productivity, retention and attendance for female employees. Helping companies to normalise the conversation around menopause and provide support which impacts 100% of their female employees. Amanda has lived in the UK, Canada and the USA, has been exposed to all the healthcare systems, and her book is a best-seller in these countries. She is a popular guest on podcasts, radio, TV and online summits, and she brings a refreshing humour and no-nonsense approach to subjects usually shrouded in s