Catholic Inspiration

Catholic Inspiration is One Year Old!



I want to say a joyful THANK YOU for all who have downloaded and shared my podcasts this past year!  Here are a few quick facts: One year in operation 133 Podcasts Sunday Masses, Daily Masses, Retreats, and Presentations +21, 800 Downloads What started initially as just a simple record of homilies has now grown to an average of 2-4 podcasts/week.  I am touched by the response I have received from people across the country, and I am honored to share my ministry here at Cathedral with you.  There is no charge for "Catholic Inspiration" and no requests for donations - this is an extension of my pastoral work here in the Diocese of Superior. My one request: if you find these podcasts helpful - please share them with your loved ones!  Practically, that means: Share these posts and podcasts with your friends on Facebook or other social media Feel free to tell others who you think would like to follow (that whole "word of mouth" thing) For those of you who use iTunes: go to "Catholic Inspiration" and give me a ra