Catholic Inspiration




The Sacrament of Reconciliation, which also goes by the names of Confession or Penance, is a powerful treasure.  Yet there are many misconceptions, many fears, and many questions that surround this great gift to the Church.  Sometimes I think that folks would rather have a dental root canal than walk into a confessional... If it has been some time since you have gone to Confession, do not fear!  This incredible Sacrament continues to transform hearts and change lives; the following presentation dispels some of the myths and answers many of the common questions that are frequently asked. This sacrament has four components: Contrition - sometimes called repentance, shows we are sorry Confession - where we admit what we have done Reparation - where we undertake a penance as an outward sign we want to make things right Absolution - where the priest, speaking on God's behalf, extends God's grace and forgiveness This sacrament will touch our hearts and change our lives!  Confession is not only an experience of fo