Risen Church Nc

Origin Stories: Purpose Driven - Genesis 2



In the early days of America, Benjamin Franklin was asked outside the Constitutional Convention what sort of government he and the other founding fathers were seeking to establish. Famously, he responded, "A republic, if you can keep it." That is, the American ideal would require a great amount of responsibility and care in order to maintain and preserve it past its inception. When God first created Adam, he placed him in a garden and gave him a simple task to work and keep it. It was as if He was saying to Adam, "I have given you a Paradise, if you can keep it." Well, we all know how that worked out... In this message, we continue this series by looking back at God's creation mandate over Adam and Eve, and how they were called to live a life of purpose in a world created just for them. We learn how responsibility and productivity have always been core to God's desire for all of us and the secret to realizing God's Kingdom in our midst. We discover our "why" or "what for" by learning from the famous crea