Chanel In The City

Episode # 105: Usama Siddiquee chats what guys really want, Mango Bae & how to have confidence!



Usama Siddiquee, Stand up comedian and podcast host of Mango Bae and Why Do Guys Podcast, stops by Chanel in the City to chat all things stand up comedy, why he got in to stand up comedy, how he built his confiddence over the years and more! Usama opens up about how he grew Mango Bae and why its so important for the Indian/Bengali culture. He also shares with us why he started Why Do Guys Podcast with stand up comedian, Dylan Palladino! Usama and Dylan takes us on a journey on Why Do Guys do the things they do and how we can handle/cope with the dating game in NYC. Usama gives us tips on how to keep up our confidence and self worth/self love alive on a constant basis. He also gives us ladies advice on how to keep the man we like or crush on for a long time and how to flirt with them! The utlimate goal of this episode and what Usama is trying to convey is that we should believe in ourselves no matter what! Make sure to follow Usama Siddique @Usamastandsup @yourmangobae @whydoguyspodcast for more funny content