Gracie Jiu Jitsu Rocks! Podcast

GJJR EP 158 Todd Fox



Todd Fox, Security & Expert and 3rd BJJ Black Belt, is a former Marine, law enforcement officer, BJJ black belt, and Author. After his military service, he began his career in EP (Executive Protection) and has spent the past two decades providing executive protection and safety services to high level clients including  some of the most recognizable names in music and movies including Guy Ritchie, Madonna, Motley Crue, nine inch nails, Janet Jackson, and Tool, to name a few.  He holds three black belts in uniquely different arts. He is a former NHB/MMA fighter, as well as a black belt U.S. National Champion, U.S. Open Champion and Pan American Medalist in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He continues to actively train in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai.  In this interview we cover a wealth of topics including his current situation and what protective/security services has been like for him,  the importance of building relations, working with Matt Damon on the Bourne Identity set, waking Madonna up on 9-11, most rewa