New Retirement Radio With Dennis Prout Podcast

Episode 298 - The Five Step Guide to Plan-to-IRA Rollovers



The ink has not yet dried on all the changes brought about by the Secure Act of 2020 and its ultimate impact on us, our children, and their families. The rules keep changing and so do the opportunities to take advantage as well as make some costly mistakes. We will be discussing the 5-step guide to plan-to-IRA rollovers from Ed Slott’s most recent November IRA newsletter. In the show, we will address sample situations from clients and similar decisions they are facing with pension plans and the effects of a rapidly increasing interest rate. The complexities are surprising. Having a strategic decision-making matrix in place to guide you can be invaluable, whether you’re 45 or 75. Heidi will be discussing the new IRS rules regarding allowable contribution amounts as well as the new 2023 tax rates. Deann will bring the news on the stats front to round it out and we’ll have several exciting announcements too! Tune in and take control!