Fedora Project Podcast

Welcome to the Podcast! | Fedora Podcast 23



The Fedora Podcast features interviews and talks with the people who make the Fedora community awesome! These folks work on new technologies found in Fedora, produce the distro itself, or help put Fedora into the hands of users. There is so much going on in Fedora that it takes a whole podcast series! Get Started with Fedora Linux: https://getfedora.org/ Follow the Fedora Podcast: https://podcast.fedoraproject.org Fedora Podcast Chat: https://matrix.to/#/#podcast:fedoraproject.org Connect with our hosts: Eric "the IT Guy" Hendricks: https://twitter.com/itguyeric Joseph Gayoso: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josephgayoso Fedora 38 Elections: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/f38-election-nominations-now-open Sudo Show https://sudo.show RHEL Presents: https://red.ht/rhelPresents Into the Terminal: https://red.ht/intoTheTerminal Noah Chelliah, Ask Noah Show: http://www.asknoahshow.com/ Introduce yourself! (2023-Q2) https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/introduce-yourself-2023-q2/80286 The Fedora Project Podc