Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 474 Contentment: A Long-Forgotten Word



We live in a world constantly barraging us with messages of MORE. Everywhere around us, we are shown what we should have and don’t, everything we should be and aren’t, and why our lives are lackluster compared to others. We never have enough, and if we are honest, we can feel like we are never enough. On today’s podcast, Dr. Bray discusses how to be content with ourselves and our work and personal lives. He shares the four barriers that keep us from feeling content, the four benefits of being content, and how contentment affects your body, brain, and work performance. Dr. Bray closes out with four tools to increase contentment in your life. This is a topic you will be discussing at the dinner table as you think about and implement being content into your daily life.