Voice Of Breakthrough With Cyndi Foster

Episode 250: Real Answers For Parents



This is the second message from our deliverance seminar in March 2023. Ever ask God about the gender of your aborted baby in heaven ? Did God really slow down time for four teens to get saved? Real spiritual answers as to why someone is born a homosexual or trans. Shame that isn’t taken to the cross will close your spiritual ears. Counterfeit spirituality results in trying to avoid dealing with shameful issues. Abortion in the church is a hidden secret of believers. Healing from abortion. Learn how to pray in faith to break your children and grandchildren free from gender confusion. Spiritual understanding behind homosexuality. Inner healing that goes all the way back to the womb. Time to heal the broken hearted! Prayers and intercession that brings results. Pride can open the door for tragedies. Ask, seek and knock the way to fight until you win.