Cheri Hill Show

Jimmy Boegle Reno News and Review



Joining Cheri today is Jimmy Boegle, Publisher/Executive Editor for the Reno News & Review. If you haven’t noticed, the Reno News & Review is back in the racks. In the nearly 30 years this newspaper has been published, I regularly picked it up at restaurants, markets and coffee shops. Those red news boxes were on many street corners and businesses often had a rack near their entrance. Now it seems like they’re hard to find because those racks were stashed in the back through the pandemic. The good news is that they print 25,000 papers each month and distribute them across 700 Northern Nevada Distribution points. So, please keep looking and pick up your free copy of the Reno News & Review today. It's wonderful we have a community newspaper that believes in the value of independent local journalism—and the power of print to focus on community issues without being lost in the online blizzard of information, national news, fake news, social-media prattle and cat videos. A print newspaper should be a mirror of