Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

Live Q&A Check in No.99



I don't have kids, but I have a few clients who have them. They have challenges that I can't imagine and I'm not sure how to help them with that sometimes. If they say they have been too busy to look after themselves at all, I don't wanna challenge them on that and sound like a prick. I know it comes down to asking the right questions, but I was wondering if you have any advice. Can you explain creating training templates in a bit more detail please What one bit of advice do you give out the most in the academy but wish someone gave to you when you started PT? (Hope that makes sense) How do you know when you've had a successful week if you are process focused not solely on goals? Where do you draw the line between wanting to do your best to help or go out of your way for someone and not selling yourself short or making life harder for yourself?