
Rand(Nerds); Episode 216 - Call of Cthulhu



Welcome to episode 216 As per the norm for us, after talking a load of rubbish, we eventually talk about games. Ram talks more about the game he started last week, Call of Cthulhu, Release 2018 it is a survival horror but with an engaging story tired to it. Ram talks about the story, his knowledge on HP Lovecraft Cthulhu Mythos, the stealth mechanics and skill system. This leads into a discussion on how to make a well designed survival horror including Ram's favorite example: SOMA, and also a game that did it all wrong in Ourlast We also discuss the difference between crows and raven, beds next to desks pitfalls, boy racer pcs and shitty cars, Notes: Follow this guide and you too can tell the difference between Raven and Crows The most importance member of parliament A fishy experience with Call of Cthulhu TheSuffolkRam's favorite example of survival horror SOMA And an example of survival horror done badly Outlast You can check out of out Lets Play of Outlast and suffer along with us, check out part 1 and