Nion Radio With Nick Onken

220: Men’s Work For Men…and Women with Connor Beaton



“Like a lot of men, I was convinced that nothing would change until I hit rock bottom.” - Connor Beaton Today, serial guest Connor Beaton and I discuss what it means to be a good, healthy, grounded, and responsible man. In this episode, Connor opens up about his own personal journey to manhood and explains how he reconciled his relationship with men. We also unpack men’s complicated relationship with porn and talk about the roots of that relationship.  Listen in as Connor and I explore the shadows of men’s psyches, break down the patterns of arousal, and discuss his new book. You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And please leave me a Rating and Review! “When we are in some kind of pursuit of developing ourselves we are more fulfilled.” - Connor Beaton Some things we learn in this podcast: What is men’s work [4:29] How does work spill over into relationships [6:56] What is the end goal of men’s work [10:46] Connor’s journey with men’s work [13:40] What are some key tak