Writing Excuses

Writing Excuses 4.17: Living with the Artist



Sandra Tayler, Dawn Wells, and Kenny Pike  take over the 'cast with some coaching from Dan (and heckling from Howard)  to talk about what it's like to live with an artist. We cover the ups and the downs, and share embarrassing anecdotes because we know you want to hear them, and we're not afraid of the fact that the Internet Never Forgets. Beyond the fact that Sandra and Dawn are stay-at-home moms, and Kenny is a stay-at-home Dad, the three of them each have important roles to play in their spouses' careers, and those roles go far beyond mere cheerleading and moral support. We talk about that, and then Sandra, Dawn, and Kenny offer advice to those who may find themselves as significant others to creative types. Audiobook Pick-of-the-Week: Wings, by Aprilynne Pike, in which a 15-year-old girl discovers that she's a fairie, and it's nothing like the storybooks suggested. Writing Prompt: From the desk of the Fake AP Stylebook -- write something involving a blue, Italian, rocket-propell