Writing Excuses

Writing Excuses Season 3 Episode 1: World-Building History



Welcome to Season 3 of Writing Excuses! With eighteen hours and fourteen months of podcasting history behind us, it seems appropriate for us to talk about history, and how to write it. We talk about the iceberg principle -- 90% of the history stuff you write never gets seen by the reader, it's just there to support the 10% that they do see, the "tip of the iceberg" -- and why for some writers it's just not the right ratio. We also discuss Worldbuilder's Disease -- none of the writing you're doing is prose for the novel -- and how to avoid it while still knuckling down and doing the work. And then (after a shiny commercial break) we knuckle down and talk about writing history, making it interesting, finding conflict, and avoiding oversimplified causality ("monocausationalism.") Writing Prompt: Write an encyclopedia article about a war that has 5 distinct causes. Identify and justify each of them.