Power Station

Texas is always Texas-ing



If you want to know how to protect and advance the rights of Latinos in Texas, ask Eric Holguin. A native son of Corpus Christi and Texas State Director of UnidosUS, the nation’s largest non-partisan champion of Hispanic civil rights, he starts with the facts. Without the state’s 11.4 million Latinos, who are critical to the workforce and especially well-represented in the civil service, energy and small business sectors, the economy would collapse and were it not for gerrymandering, Texas would be a purple state. Making progress in a state where political leaders maintain power by demonizing Latinos takes commitment, resources, and a strategy. Eric partners with UnidosUS affiliates, on-the-ground advocates for voting, education, reproductive, healthcare, immigration, and LGBTQ rights. He cultivates the next generation of Latino political leaders and most importantly, he engages with everyday community members who are moved more by values than by policy alerts. Standard messaging by political parties often fa