Chess Study Podcast

Ep. 13 The 3 Stages Of A Chess Game | Complete Chess Strategy



PRESALE for ChessBootcamp! 30 Days To Better Chess 50% off till November 25th when the course starts! ALSO, check out the FREE precursor course "28 Days To Better Chess Tactics" ALSO, THANKS to Angela Miller for the support of this podcast!!! Part 8 of my Complete Chess Strategy course for beginners all the way till expert (2000+). In this lesson I give a complete overview of how chess strategy morphs from the opening, to the middlegame, till the endgame. A complete overview of chess strategy!This course is great for beginning and intermediate players who want to clarify their understanding. I try to give actionable steps that players can use to play better chess and make it as simple as possible, with each lesson building on the previous. My understanding is simple and comprehensive as well as very simple, which allows me to apply it and play at a high level without spending hours