Center For International Development

Solar geoengineering as a strategy for managing climate change risks



Welcome to the Harvard Center for International Development’s Road to GEM23 Climate & Development podcast. CID's Road to GEM23 series precedes and helps launch CID’s Global Empowerment Meeting 2023 (GEM23), Growing in a Green World on May 10th and 11th. At CID, we work across a global network of researchers and practitioners to build, convene, and deploy talent to address the world’s most pressing challenges. On our Road to GEM23, we strive to elevate and learn from voices from the countries on the frontlines of the climate crisis and will feature learnings from leading researchers and practitioners working to combat climate change. In this episode, we are joined by Joseph Aldy, Professor of the Practice of Public Policy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. His research focuses on climate change policy, energy policy, and regulatory policy. In 2009-2010, Aldy served as the Special Assistant to the President for Energy and Environment, reporting through both the National Economi