Elimination Of The Snakes

Elimination of the Snakes - Show #686



Life and political podcast.  Brought to you from The Divided States of America. We've been at this for years... Beautiful in south central Wisconsin. Book plug... Mothers Day is coming... More on the Wisconsin transgender student shower controversy in Sun Prairie story. Hot Topics: California reparations task force approves payments, state apology. Chargers defensive lineman accuses TSA officers of sexual assault at airport screening. Iran threatens to destroy Tel Aviv and Haifa, as Israel marks Holocaust memorial day. Videos of the Week: Let's talk about the Trump NY verdict.... In a surprise turn, Bill Barr speaks the truth: says Trump's "a horror show" & will "deliver chaos" Let's talk about Democrats going on the offensive.... Skull Cracking The Debt Ceiling | Christopher Titus | Armageddon Update Let's talk about Republican solutions to Texas....