On The Edge With April Mahoney

Sahaj Kaur on the Art of the Yogic lifestyles, yoga, diet and Akashic Readings



https://youtu.be/YgoJT_AO28Q Youtube version www.SahajKaur.com Sat Nam, Nice to Meet You My journey into healing and becoming a yogi began when a good friend invited me to a Kundalini yoga class. When I walked outside after the session, a quiet, clear voice in my head stated, “THIS WILL SAVE YOU.” As I listened to it, knowing it came from a deep place, the question emerged: save me from what? I already felt accomplished as an artist who had helped develop artist housing in Boston and had a successful career. Life was good, I thought. My boyfriend and I were involved in communities and seemingly thriving. Yet I followed the voice and began to practice and study Kundalini yoga, which transformed my life. How did it transform my life? I have become steady, flexible, and content and continually pursue growth. I became blissful, happy, and content, releasing old emotions and family baggage. Those old emotional patterns had damaged my relationships and caused me to shut down areas of myself. As I cleared these ene