Love What You Play

19: How to Coach Girls vs. Boys & What Is LTPD? | Rick Benson



Rick Benson is a well-known figure in the softball community. As Executive Director for Softball BC, Rick implements strategies as directed by the Softball BC Board of Directors, and he acts as a liaison with provincial and national sport bodies. In addition to being the Executive Director for Softball BC, Benson frequently volunteers his time to the sports world. From 2000 to 2008 he was a member of a volunteer committee to organize and oversee Canada Cup International Softball tournaments. In 2010, he was a volunteer for an organizing committee during the BC Summer Games. As a coach for a recreational level fastpitch softball team, Benson illustrates his passion and loyalty to sport. He began coaching the team in 1997, and 21 years later he still coaches the same team as adults, of which 3 of the original players remain. Rick Benson’s other contributions include: Parks, Recreation and Sport Tourism Committee Member and Outdoor Sport Advisory Committee for Surrey BC; Team Manager for Western Canada Su