Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Signs You Can Stop Taking Thyroid Medication



Early research suggests that up to 30% of thyroid patients currently taking thyroid medication may not need it. That’s great and all but what does that mean for you? How can you tell if you are in that lucky 30%? Well, if you’ve ever wondered about that I’ve got some good news for you: We have some signs that, if present, indicate that you have a higher likelihood of getting off of your thyroid medication. In addition to these positive signs, we also have some negative ones as well and today I’m going to go over both. Before we jump in, you should be aware that this data is still emerging so it’s subject to change as we get more information. If it does change then you can bet I will provide you with that updated information but, for now, this is what we have. These positive signs indicate you have a higher likelihood of getting off and staying off of thyroid medication: - If you’ve been using thyroid medication for less than 4 years. - If you had a normal free T4 on diagnosis. - If your current TSH is