Large Marge Sent Us




1980's Caddyshack was Harold Ramis' directorial debut! Go Harold! Featuring a slew of funny dudes, lots of improvisational comedy, and a Baby Ruth mistaken for a turd, Caddyshack is considered to be one of the funniest movies to come out of the 80s.  We really had never seen it - but man do a lot of guys (and some girls!) talk about it a lot.  Is it the plethora of one liners? Golf? Gratuitous boobies? We'll never know.  But this movie has its moments and we chuckled along throughout most of the crazy shenganigans that goes on.  We talk all about the comedically gifted but rumored asshole to work with qualities of Chevy Chase and Bill Murray, the danger of 10 speed bicycles, and how the Baby Ruth candy bar certainly had a moment in the 1980s but now who eats 'em???