

We all need a Plan B in life, especially in your career. Being prepared is more important than ever in today’s fast-paced and unpredictable job market. The days of staying with one company in one job for your entire career are long gone, whether by your choice or your employer's choice. Organizations are constantly changing, downsizing, and restructuring, making it increasingly difficult to predict where the job market is heading and what could happen to your job. This is why it is essential to have a Plan B in place. In today’s episode, Dr. Bray will discuss the following: What is a Plan B? Why is it essential to have a Plan B? How to Develop a Career Plan B. How much time should I devote to developing this Plan B? What if I feel I don’t need a Plan B?  Dr. Bray will walk you through the whole process in this episode. Another resource is Dr. Bray’s USA Today best-selling book, Best Job Ever. This isn’t a book you read from front to back; you find the topic you need and read that chapter. It seems that Dr.