Something About The Mother Of Jesus

Something about Mary –1298- Annie -from London - Totus Tuus, Totus2us



Annie, from London - "Another helper came over to me out of the blue (I think she was an Italian lady who I'd never seen or met before) and she said 'You're Anne, aren't you.' and I said yes. I didn't think at the time it was strange that she knew my name. She said to me: ‘I've been directed to you, the Virgin has directed me to you and wants me to give you a message. She says that she knows you've been having a difficult time for some time now and as she stands here now, she's looking at you with all encompassing and unconditional love and you would weep for joy if you knew how much she loves you.' And with that the lady (the helper) gave me a hug and walked away and I then went into the healing waters in Lourdes, was immersed and came out again." Music by Jesús Cabello. Visit for much more - dedicated to Our Lady, it is inspired by our Holy Fathers - Blessed John Paul II, Papa Benedetto and Pope Francis. Totus Tuus - All Yours - was JPII's motto to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our Lady is also eve