Something About The Mother Of Jesus

Something about Mary –1109- Fr Fabien -from Belgium - Totus Tuus, Totus2us



Father Fabien, from Belgium, in English and French - "Mary for me is first of all a mother, I can entrust myself to her, and she’s someone who is always, always with me; always. Dans la Vierge Marie, c’est ma mere. .. Quand je prends mon chaplet, eh bien, c'est comme si je prenais sa main. En prenant sa main, je sais que c'est elle qui me guide vers Jesus et c'est le chemin le plus sur pour me guider vers Jesus." Music by Jesús Cabello. Visit for much more. Totus Tuus - All Yours - was the motto of Blessed John Paul II to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our Lady is also everything to us - Totus 2us.