Something About The Mother Of Jesus

Something about Mary –1053- Patricia Mary -from England-on Feast of St Faustina - Totus Tuus, Totus2us



Patricia Mary, from England - "I just am so grateful for her mercy, because she never said 'You can't come' or 'I haven't time' or 'You really haven't behaved properly.' It's not like that at all. And we have that longing, we have that longing for God, and we have a hole and it needs filling, and God is the only one that can fill that, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. And we are blessed that we have the Mother that they gave to us and she is, she is everything and she does lead us to Jesus. She's like our little guide. Thank you Mary, thank you Mother. Ave Maria." Music by Jesús Cabello. Visit for much more. Totus Tuus - All Yours - was the motto of Blessed John Paul II to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Our Lady is also everything to us - Totus 2us.