Vicki Abelson's Broadcast: The Road Taken

Timothy Busfield Live On Game Changers With Vicki Abelson



Friends who used to be 30 Something, Wingnuts, and Field of Dreamers, lend me your ear (s), and your eyeballs. Emmy-winner Timothy Busfield is a scream! His Burt Lancaster alone is worth the watch. Hysterical, and right on point. Tim’s amazing bride, Melissa Gilbert joined us for a sec, she’ll be back! But she was a big part of the conversation––how they met, and where––great story. I love how he loves her, and her, him. Their togetherness is epic. We talked how they do it, handle challenges, and resolve them, so quickly. Merging their families - both married for the thrice time… co-parenting and grandparenting, building a home, and a life. Ain’t love grand. We talked Tim’s early years in Michigan, his mother, her challenges, his father, and his. Tim getting the bug after seeing Burt Lancaster on the big screen, and going full circle co-starring with him in Field of Dreams so many years later––the challenges of that film. First, theatre out the wazoo… Actors Theater of Louisville to Circle Rep… being Matt