Mylife: Chassidus Applied

Ep. 450: Was the Rebbe Loving?



Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to Shavuos  What exactly is the Torah and what happened at Mattan Torah?   When was the Torah written? Did it always exist just as G-d always existed, or did G-d write the Torah when He decided to create the world?  Does the Torah contain all of G-d's knowledge, or just the parts that relate to creation and to us?  If we were able to travel to a distant planet, would we be responsible to observe Torah and mitzvos there, or was the Torah only given on Planet Earth?  Was the Torah written all at one time or did it evolve and grow as a document and get edited into what it is today?  What exactly was given at Sinai – the written or the oral Torah?   Why is there a written and an oral Torah?   Why was it okay for the rabbis to write down the oral torah when it was prohibited to do so?  Why then can’t we change other prohibitions?  Can there be mistakes in the oral Torah?  Since rabbinic Judaism in the oral Torah is fi