Beyond Shakespeare

248: Exploring: John Bon and Master Parson by Luke Shepherd (Dialogue)



Exploring: John Bon and Master Parson by Luke Shepherd (Dialogue) Welcome to the first of a semi-regular new series of works looking at Dialogues and other semi-dramatic material. We've touched on the dramatic edges of these kinds of things before, with plays that are a bit didactic, but now we're having a look at printed works never designed for performance, but which are very performable. Or hopefully are. This is an exploring session recorded in London in the spring of 2022, and there will be a full audio production to follow. Till then, enjoy John Bon and Master Parson by Luke Shepherd, a satirical writer on the Protestant side of the fence, writing to promote the new religion in the reign of Edward VI. This text is mostly concerned about the nature of the host and the feast of Corpus Christi. With Liza Graham and Robert Crighton Our patrons received this episode in March 2022. They have had the full audio recording since September 2022. The Beyond Shakespeare Podcast is supported by its patrons – beco