Beyond Shakespeare

97: Exploring John the Evangelist



Exploring: John the Evangelist - 1520-57 (printed c.1550) From our Exploring workshop, where we read through the text of this play for future use towards an audio/stage show. John the Evangelist is a strange beast, with little in the way of plot it's a series of scenes orbiting the preaching of the titular character. Whilst it's fair to say we didn't warm to the dialogue, the dramaturgy of the play really sparked an interest. There's more to this play than meets the eye.  The Beyond Shakespeare Irregulars this episode are Richard Fawcett, Maria Walker and Mark Scanlon, with your host Robert Crighton. You can follow the text via this link - your thoughts and comments are welcome. The Beyond Shakespeare Podcast is supported by its patrons – become a patron and you get to choose the plays we work on next. Go to or follow us on Twitter @BeyondShakes or even go to our website: