Akin For The Truth

Episode 169: Exodus - New Information, (26 of 26)



For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   For myself, I have not found criticisms of the central themes of this research very compelling. For example, perhaps one of the more notable argument sets I have found is that produced by the group authoring the article series “Debunking Christianity”. At their website they enlist SEVEN Criticisms of Wyatt’s Claim that he discovered and photographed a 3,500 year old “Egyptian Chariot Wheel” .   On another website, a critic claims to have attempted to reproduce the route traveled by Moller and his group, a journey in which he claims that “none of the discoveries claimed in the movie “The Exodus Revealed” were observed. Unfortunately, to date, and unlike Moller and his group, they themselves produced no photographed or video documentation of their research.   Therefore, to date, despite accusations of poor research and outright fraud by his critics, I personally have found no reason to doubt his findings, or his documentati