Akin For The Truth

Episode 168: Exodus - New Information, (25 of 26)



For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   Previous theories portraying the path of the Exodus and location of Mt. Horeb, or Sinai, have not been supported by any research of Jewish tradition or archaeological discovery, and so have reflected poorly on the viability, in the opinion of the scientific community, on the accuracy of the Biblical account of the Exodus.   However, fresh research has been accomplished, shedding new light, beginning with the discovery Israeli settlements in Goshen dated to Joseph’s time, the appearance centuries later of the Hebrews, and the nation of Israel in Canaan, location of the Mountain of God via historical evidence and archaeological inference in Northwestern Arabia by ancient Midian, and a trade route through a system of dried riverbeds terminating at the only possible campsite west of the Gulf of Aqaba, referred to as the Red Sea, the Nuweiba Peninsula, under which has been found chariot wheel-base looking coral and metallic debr