Akin For The Truth

Episode 166: Exodus - New Information, (23 of 26)



For more information and sources you could check out http://akinforthetruth.net.   Last time we cited findings from remote operating vehicle video undersea camera at the Gulf of Aqaba, off the Nuweiba Peninsula.   Looking southward underwater from this crossing ridge, a deep canyon, plunging deeper than the Grand Canyon, can be seen extending southward for over 50 miles. By the way, we could look at the reasonability of a presumed crossing of millions of people trying to cross this underwater crossing ridge.   Assuming that 2 million Israelites left Egypt who had to cross the Red Sea within a single day, could such a feat be accomplished at Nuweiba Beach? Looking at the , produced in 1995 in cooperation with the US Geological Survey, UK mapping and the Suadi Government, as well as other cooperative research data, it is observed that this underwater landbridge is quite wide, perhaps at least 3 miles of walkable surface.