Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Kami Guildner, A New Paradigm of Entrepreneurship, Episode 300



Today we celebrate our 300th episode of Extraordinary Women Radio and we're focused on a new paradigm of entrepreneurship that is grounded in both soul and strategy. The shift to leading our businesses with a more feminine, abundant approach creates more time prosperity and wealth prosperity as we build businesses and lives that we love. The beauty of this new paradigm of business is that we are creating and building businesses that start with the soul fire and are guided to marketing approaches, aligning with connection and collaboration, and conversations. Women's wisdom is leading the way. We are raising up our vision, our voices, and our visibility to create a ripple effect of impact on the world, one soul business at a time. In this episode: I talk about the different journeys we’ve had during the pandemic and how it shifted the way we run our business and how we live our lives How listening to our soul wisdom brings choices, simplification, and new strategies Why women are getting laser focuse