American Family Farmer

5/25/23 - AFF - Keeping Family Farmers On The Land



Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan begins with news about some wandering chickens, how the new Farm Bill will affect what you eat, top money grabber in the Bill is Food Assistance, followed by Debt Ceiling and then Environmental Control. Next, we meet Lori Mercer with the Farmer Resource Network at Farm Aid, 800-FARM AID. With more than 35 years of experience working one-on-one with farmers, their goal is to connect you with helpful services, resources and opportunities specific to your individual needs. Their online directory contains more than 750 organizations all over the United States that work directly with farmers on a variety of issues. They are staffed with farm advocates, technical assistance experts, business and finance coaches, counselors and hotline operators that can help connect you with the information and resources you need. Finally, Farmer Doug opines about how the State of Iowa has legalized the sale of raw milk.