Esp - Eryn Spencer Podcast

Storm Watch: Episode VI - Reality Shift #ESPStormWatch



"5 Ches, 1491 DR - Tilverton, Western Reaches, The Dales, Faerun. The Storm Watch descends back into the Sewers of Tilverton after uncovering a Red Plumes plot to send Assassins into the City. Upon returning to the Waterworks of Gond, the Storm Watch uncovers an ancient workshop, and connects a strange artifact to a strange Altar that shifts the very fabric of their reality..." SOURCEBOOKS: Featuring: MCDM's Kingdoms & Warfare and Darkhold: Secrets of the Zhentarim MCDM: Kingdoms & Warfare: Darkhold: Secrets of the Zhentarim: MUSIC: Intro Music: Metal (Royalty Free Music) - "AURORA" by DEgITx