#amwriting With Jess & Kj

331: How to Go From Planning a Book to Writing One: Blueprint for a Book Step 10



It’s time to put this baby to work. What now?  You’ll just have to listen. This is the last episode in the 10-part Blueprint for a Book Series. Start with Step 1, do the work (we’ll give you an assignment every week), and in 10 weeks, you’ll have a solid foundation for a first draft or revision of your project that will help you push through to “the end”. It’s not too late to go back to the beginning and blueprint your book! Find details on the challenge HERE. YOUR ASSIGNMENT Fiction and Narrative Memoir: Revise everything! Go back through all the steps and make them as solid as you can. Try think about your reader, the logic of your plot, and the emotional arc of the story. If you are doing the Summer 2022 challenge, you have until September 8th to turn in your complete workbook. Use that time to revise everything! For Nonfiction and Memoir/Self-Help  Revise everything! Go back through all the steps and make them as solid as you can. Try to think about your reader, the transformation they seek, and