Lotus Health Institute's Podcast

Cell Salts History and Philosophy



This podcast is an excerpt from Dr. Robin Murphy, ND's "Twelve Cell Salts" Lecture CD Set. Dr. Murphy briefly introduces some history about Dr. Schuessler's (Wilhelm Heinrich Schüßler) cell salts and homeopathy then continues with the philosophy of prescribing the cell salts. Twelve Cell Salts: The history and clinical uses of the twelve cell salts. How to prescribe the cell salts as constitutional remedies and mineral tonics. Homeopathy and the tissue remedies. Diet, health and nutritional topics are also covered. The various cell salts and herbal remedies used in combination are reviewed. Biochemic materia medica: Calc-f., Calc-p., Calc-s., Ferr-p., Kali-m., Kali-p., Kali-s., Mag-p., Nat-m., Nat-p., Nat-s., and Silica. Dr. Murphy's full Twelve Cell Salts lecture is available for streaming access.