Conversation Street

Conversation Street Episode 578



On our latest podcast, we chat about what went on in Weatherfield between the 29th May and the 2nd June 2023 (Episodes #10966 - 10970) Britain's Got Talent week is here again, and you know what that means for Corrie: stunts galore, massive twists and long-running stories reaching their climax... except that didn't really happen this year. We've seen a wide range of opinions on this year's 'big week', and although we sit somewhere in the middle, we must admit that it didn't quite live up to our hopes for the week. Yes, Gemma's wedding was lovely and the dress was absolutely perfect for her; yes, the performances from the various actors reacting to Paul's news were all spot on; and yes, the courtroom drama ramped up nicely on Friday. But we still can't feel like things could have been bigger, especially when it came to the acid attack story, which felt it took a little too long to get going - plus the less said about that kiss at the end of the week the better! Come on Daisy - it took us a long time to warm up