Tiny Leaps, Big Changes

876 - Decoding your bad habits



Tik Tok | Instagram | YouTube In today's episode, I explore the intriguing "Trigger > Thought > Action > Consequence" model that governs our daily decisions and actions. I introduce this process, illustrating its components with familiar examples like snacking habits, reactions to alarms, and social media usage. I delve into each element of the model, beginning with 'Triggers,' which can be external events or internal feelings. Next, I discuss 'Thoughts,' shaped by individual backgrounds including beliefs, perceptions, and experiences. 'Actions' follow, ranging from conscious to semi-conscious, and finally 'Consequences,' the outcomes of our actions, which can be immediate or delayed, positive or negative. I then explore the intricate relationships between these components and the impact of external factors like socio-cultural norms, environmental conditions, interpersonal relationships, and biological aspects. I conclude by addressing the challenges in